Sunday, February 20, 2011


So we came to the conclusion that no one'll read this.. but we don't care. That just means we can be more.. us.

Some stuff forgotten in lastnight's post.. Thurr be a cute fluffy rabbit under our care. Spaz be her name. Theres also a rather old (15) cat named Smokey. Hes probably going to die soon.. :(  But then.. we've been saying that for a few years now..

Theres another annoying feet eating cat called Goldy.. real spoiled brat. Two dogs.. not mine but the parents.. both nuttier than a squirrel. Theres the chickens.. and some ginuea hens..(ugly chickens really loud.. realllllly fast). I think thats all for animals.. Ive nearly doubled the size of that first pic of the hexxy sweater. Its going to be toddler or young child size if it works. Only model i have to base it on is my old My Size Barbie (Not mine) Mines got some kickass dreads XD cause i got too lazy at taking care of her properly she lost her original outfit loooooooooong ago. A wedding dress like the one in that link/pic I think. Ive made her a number of outfits.. Book of Faces Yarn Album My facebook ends up with the pics that i forget to up on Flickr DX.

So ya.. more latar.. maybe more pictures!!

<Just Afore Midnight>
Lol I got the two big pieces of the hexxy sweater done.
Before sewing.

Barbie sporting the now sewn-up sweater. Course with her being Barbie.. it looks huge on her.. just have to add the cuffs and im thinking I may make a hood for it too.
I have no life.. can't you tell?
Need to find some good buttons or maybe a zipper have to get "tester child". Lol.. Ma's got some friends with young children.Maybe one of them. *plots* XD

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